Focus in life is a really important skill, whatever your age.
Babies are great at it, they can focus on one thing for ages. They can keep going at something until they eventually do it. As we get older, life can get in the way and we can pick up habits which aren’t helpful for productivity and happiness in general. That’s why playing an instrument can be such a great tool to learn to keep our focus.
So, one of the most important practice tips i give to every pupil is: drum roll please……… SLOW FOCUSED PRACTICE! If your child is struggling with a particular part of the music, focus on a small section of it! Take 2 bars for instance, SLOW IT DOWN!!!, and work on it until they can play it.
This small tip, sometimes with just 5 minutes of slow focused practice, can save literally weeks of practising the same mistakes over and over again. If you can help your child to work on things in this way, you will expect to see the benefits not just in their musical endeavours, but in their lives as a whole. And that is Amazing!
Try it and see how quickly a hard section of music can be mastered in minutes!