So your child has had a great lesson, they feel inspired, the lesson went well. Your teacher was a great help in keeping enthusiasm up. Now its over to you. How can we as parents help our child to stay excited about their instrument through the week and actually improve. Well the answer is good practice.
Practice can seem a little daunting and sometimes a little boring especially without the support of a teacher. So lets think about the length of practice first . I always see practice in two parts. First part to learn the notes, second part to get the musicality. So learning the notes can be tricky sometimes and i always suggest practicing them very slowly to begin with. The more something is practiced right the more likely it is that it will be played correctly in the concert/exam. So its really worth taking this time at the beginning of learning a piece to nail the notes. Taking small sections at a time is great way to go about this. The great thing about this is the slow practice WILL pay off. Then its fun all the way.
The next part is the musicality part. Playing and practicing the tune in all different ways to find out which way sounds best. Practicing the loud's and soft's and the various expressions. Have fun and see what happens!
Another key factor in practicing is the length of time your child practices. Sit down and have a chat with your child and work out what would work for them . Sometimes having expectations that are unattainable can make practice stressful. Some suggestions. ......5 mins a day..... 2x 30 a week..... 1 hour a day. What ever it is make the practice time beneficial. Stay focused (check out my blog post on focus) for the amount of time allotted then always follow with something relaxing like enjoying a drink together, listening to some music or playing in the garden.
Practice and playing an instrument should always be about FUN so go for it . Let me know how you get on.